My Canadian Pharmacy is a member of several pharmacy-related partnerships. With their help, we collaborate on a wide range of issues affecting the pharmaceutical industry. It concerns Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs, Continuing Education in Pharmacy, Pharmacy e-Health Action Committee, Examining Board, and Stakeholder Steering Committee on Private Drug Plans.

Besides, along with hospital associations, we aim to boost the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical community and the health of the communities. We provide expertise, resources to impact the challenges faced by different healthcare providers. The area of interest, in turn, involves the healthcare workforce, emergency preparedness, reimbursement, and many more.

Our partners belong to hospitals, educational establishments, healthcare systems.

In the last years, MCP also provided more than 1,000 visits in health centers where it managed to research the obstacles depriving people of having access to reliable medications. While working with the partners, our primary target to teach people to live healthier.

Upon joining a team a party gets:

  • Full support regarding promoting the services;
  • Contacts of trusted suppliers;
  • Access to multiple strategies to boost profit.

Moreover, we offer both collaborations for short-term and long-term partnerships. Contact us now to find out more.

Our Partners

  • Inotek Pharmaceuticals
  • Rockwood Clinic
  • Sigmoid Pharma